The well-established raw materials supplier, Team-Trade, is issuing bonds for sale to the general public. This has caused many to ask why they should invest in Team-Trade, how would their funds be used, and what return would they get. The answers lie here:


What is the rate of return?
7.7% p.a. interest

How often is the interest paid?

How much is the minimum purchase?
10,000 Czech Kr.

How much will I receive each month?
An investment of 300,000 Czech Kr. will receive a monthly return of 1,636 Czech Kr. To calculate the monthly return based on your investment use our calculator:


When will I get my investment back?
On 18/3/2021 you will be refunded the entire amount of your bond purchase.

When is the deadline for buying bonds in Team-Trade carbon nanotubes?

How much is the total value of the bond issue?
24 million Czech Kr.

When was the first bond issue?

Who are Team-Trade?
Team-Trade is a Prague-based company that, since 2004, has been using its expertise to supply the raw materials for the industrial production of rubber, plastics, construction, and electronics.

Why is Team-Trade selling bonds now?
Increasing demand for using nanotechnology as a source of raw materials makes 2019 a strategically advantageous year for expansion.

By combining their knowledge of raw material supply with a technological understanding of nanotubes Team-Trade has created a good business opportunity. The company is already working on a range of new products using single-walled carbon nanotubes, but now requires further funds to finalise production capabilities.

Team-Trade has been in discussion with a number of its current customers with the aim of developing nanotechnology products for specific purposes and for known buyers.

The company is also working in close cooperation with a number of scientific institutions such as the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, as well as individual specialists from various Czech universities such as VŠCHT, Liberec University, Tomas Bata University in Zlín, etc.

Together with these leading nanotechnology researchers Team-Trade is developing practical applications for nanotubes in industry.

How will my investment be used?
Most of the funds will also be used in expanding the firm’s product portfolio to include carbon nanotubes for supply to this expanding market. However, part of the funding will also be used to support the basic business of Team-Trade - business activities with chemical raw materials for the glass, ceramic and animal feed industries both within and outside the European Union (USA, Canada, South Africa, Turkey).

Why is Team-Trade investing in carbon nanotube technology?
Industry analysts predict that the nanotechnology industry will be worth $125 billion by the year 2024.

Team-Trade plans to expand into this growing market by combining the company’s years of experience in supplying industrial raw materials, its central European location, is broad customer base, and qualified sales team, with scientific expertise in this cutting-edge technology.

If you would like to know more about becoming involved in Team-Trade’s expansion and the purchase of company bonds then please visit or contact us by phone.

Pavel Kuchálik

Project Manager

+420 775 297 897

Photo credit: Team-Trade, Rice University